Thursday, March 5, 2009

Everything is Fine, No One is Happy

How do you define progress? This is a simple question with no simple answers. It seems that we are driven to progress with all of the choices we make. Whether it is taking the promotion, buying the nicer car, or bigger house - it seems that progress is the root of these decisions.

I have attached two links that should provide some food for thought. The questions that I am grappling with are:
1. Generally speaking - Why are Americans so unhappy?
2. How important is it to be happy?
3. How can we all be happy when we all have a different idea of what it takes to be happy?
4. If we are happy, does this mean that we will take a different perspective on all that sustains us?
The Story of Stuff - Annie Leonard offers a quick, concise and accessible take on our current state of consumption.

Everything is Fine, No One is Happy - Just in case this link doesn't work I have added the address here. This one is a lot of fun and gives a little perspective on how disenchanted we have all become.

Finally, in light of the stimulus package to prop up our struggling economy - that I will benefit from due to purchasing a home this year. Would it be so bad to let it all whither and die and remake itself in a newer and more sustainable manner? I cannot advocate for such a situation because I don't understand what the ramifications would be, but I also wonder why the mode of progress always falls on the bottom line of an earnings report. What about big "N" - nature progress, regarding the stuff that really sustains us? We are environment and unquestionably a part of Nature and this is the stimulus package we all need.

1 comment:

des said...

The Utah Population and Environment Coalition (UPEC) is attempting to address this issue using a model called the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI).
It takes into account costs and benefits not represented in the standard Gross National Product. They recently calculated Utah's "ecological footprint" and are now calculating Utah's GPI. It's not very romantic, but it is a start. For more info visit or Google Genuine Progress Indicator.
- desiree