Friday, February 20, 2009

Question about new legislation

I noticed that the Utah Senate Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Standing Committee introduced bill H.B 241 which repeals a section Section 73-3-21, "Priorities between appropriators."

That section reads :

Appropriators shall have priority among themselves according to the dates of their respective appropriations, so that each appropriator shall be entitled to receive his whole supply before any subsequent appropriator shall have any right; provided, in times of scarcity, while priority of appropriation shall give the better right as between those using water for the same purpose, the use for domestic purposes, without unnecessary waste, shall have preference over use for all other purposes, and use for agricultural purposes shall have preference over use for any other purpose except domestic use.

This seems like a step in the right direction, but I am pretty clueless when it comes to these matters. Anyone have any insight? Is this a good or a bad thing?



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