Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Family and Community

Many who follow this blog are currently in a class called Art, Advocacy, and Landscape with Terry Tempest Williams. In this class, on a daily basis, we find ourselves wondering about ways to save the world. (I say that in jest, but it isn’t far from the truth.) Ways we, individually and as a group, can help our community fix its present problems. And those problems can include anything (climate change, human rights, environmental degradation, education, anything), the key is that it needs to be a community action for meaningful change to occur.

As I progress through the class, I realize that right now community, indeed family, is more important than ever. And for me, community and family need to expand to include each other, become synonymous with the other. Only through the mutual respect for people, a recognition that we all share the same blood, will true environmental change occur.

If we respect each other, treat each other as equals, that same respect will surely carry over to the land. Human rights and a broader sense of community and family are the building blocks of a true respect for the environment.

-- a. holland

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