Friday, November 6, 2009


This morning, waiting in my inbox, was an email from one of my favorite groups, The Imaginary Foundation. It was a reminder to check out their blog, which of course I did. For those of you new to The Imaginary Foundation here is a little background info from their site;

The Imaginary foundation was established in Geneva in 1973 as an experimental "think-tank" for new ideas. Created by an eclectic group of free thinkers, the foundation’s research spans
all creative endeavors and assigns as its goal; the wish to eliminate set conventions in favor of the humorous, the abstract and the visionary.

In his vision for the Imaginary Foundation, the Director(whose name is never mentioned anywhere...) knew that the human mind has more than one mode, that indeed it has an "ecology" of being. He knew that imagination, intuition, inspiration are basic to psyche. . . . A philosophy of research began to form: imagination as fundamental to all learning; artistic making as a model of integrating vision, materials, structure, and imagery.

"What makes true vision is the poetry of life and the richness of nature"

I have been a long time fan of their philosophy and tee-shirts, a medium The Director considers essential to getting their message out.

The post I would like to highlight focuses on music/science/cosmos/Carl Sagan. This is relevant considering the reading some of us just finished for Terry's class on Gaia and Lovelock, who had conversations with Sagan. It also touches on the level of the Universe which is something Jack Turner challenges us to consider. I find it funny that someone (this guy) would take the time to remix words of Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye to match beats!

Here is the video with subtitles so you can read along.

and the original IF post.


harrier said...

WOW--what a day brightener! Thanks, Erin. Did you also check out the David Byrne live "Nothing But Flowers" video on the EH Facebook page?

Magpie Woman said...

I think I may have to start out every day for a while by listening to this.